Log Viewer Gui For Mac

Log Viewer Gui For Mac 4,6/5 447 reviews

These logs are stored as plain-text log files on your Mac's system drive. Also known as Console.app, is like a Windows Event Viewer for Mac.

Log viewer for Linux/Mac/Windows.First desigend for android adb logcat viewer.Now you can use this for general log viewer by easy filtering and highlighting.This is written in tcl/tk.


  • Colored log. logtype detection is supported. like time threadtime brief process, and eclipse copied, studio copied logs.
  • Filtering by keywords. This is done by awk regular expression like awk '/key word/ {print}'
  • Searching keyword and highlighting it.
  • Saving log.
  • Can read saved logs in a file.
  • View adb logcat logs from a device.


You need to prepare commands: wish, gawk, and adb(for android).

Linux:gawk for filtering, tk package for GUI, and android-sdk for adb.

Mac:android-sdk for adb, and gawk. How to install java for minecraft mac.

Windows:bash, wish, gawk, android-sdk for adb.I recommed to install msys-git. This contains git, bash, awk, wish.No warranty for subsystem-linux on windows 10. Only mysy-git is supported.


Linux:pacman -S gawk tk android-toolsapt-get install gawk tk android-tools

Mac:prepare android-sdkbrew install gawk

Windows:I tested my-app on msysgit enviroment.Install from : https://git-for-windows.github.io/Or active tcl may work().


To launch app

Linux/Mac user

  • git clone https://github.com/pikey8706/LogCatch.git
  • open LogCatch folder.
  • Just W-click [runOnShell].

Windows userAssuming you have done installed msys-git.

  • git clone https://github.com/pikey8706/LogCatch.gitor
  • Download zip file: https://github.com/pikey8706/LogCatch/archive/master.zip
  • unzip LogCatch-master.zip
  • open LogCatch-master folder.
  • Just W-click [LogCatch_winLauncher.vbs]. This automatically resolve path for wish/bash/awk in msys-git windows enviroment.
  • Please create shortcut lancher by yourself.

To see log from devices after app launched, do below please.

  • you should select android-sdk-directory or adb including directory from popup window.
  • click 'Devices' button to see device list connected to usb. after click Devices,devices name will list in 'Source:'.
  • click Device name then log will be shown in window.

Author:Hirohito Sasakiemail: pikey8706@gmail.com

The virt-manager application is a desktop user interface for managing virtual machines through libvirt. It primarily targets KVM VMs, but also manages Xen and LXC (linux containers). It presents a summary view of running domains, their live performance & resource utilization statistics. Wizards enable the creation of new domains, and configuration & adjustment of a domain’s resource allocation & virtual hardware. An embedded VNC and SPICE client viewer presents a full graphical console to the guest domain.

About virt-manager’s supporting tools

virt-install is a command line tool which provides an easy way to provision operating systems into virtual machines.

Log Viewer Gui For Mac

virt-viewer is a lightweight UI interface for interacting with the graphical display of virtualized guest OS. It can display VNC or SPICE, and uses libvirt to lookup the graphical connection details.

virt-clone is a command line tool for cloning existing inactive guests. It copies the disk images, and defines a config with new name, UUID and MAC address pointing to the copied disks.

virt-xml is a command line tool for easily editing libvirt domain XML using virt-install’s command line options.

virt-convert is a command line tool for converting OVF and VMX VM configurations to run with libvirt.

virt-bootstrap is a command tool providing an easy way to setup the root file system for libvirt-based containers.