Cursor Spinning On Microsoft Word For Mac

Cursor Spinning On Microsoft Word For Mac 4,0/5 2721 reviews
How adjust top and bottom margins within a single line edit control?
I have found that I can use SetMargins to adjust the margins to the left and right of text within a (singleline) edit control. I would like to be able to do the same thing with top and bottom margins but I can't find any nice way of doing this. Does anyone know a good solution to this? The solutions I have considered are:(a) Use a multiline edit control and make it function as a single line edit control (if that works). Then use SetRect or SetRectNP to reposition the 'formatting rectangle' (these only work with multiline edit controls).OR..(b) Use WM_NCCALCSIZE to ..
Word field codes in Excel data file Includetext
Excel 2003 on XPI want to use an Excel spreadsheet as a data file for a merge project that is too large for a Word table, but I need to use Word field codes, expecially Includetext, in the data. If I try to paste, or use paste special options, with a field code created in a Word docment into Excel I get the resulting text, not the code I want. Hias a starting point: KabelFrankfurt, Germany'mranz' <> schrieb im Newsbeitragnews:2D4F5F6F-6F4E-4DF2-B840-675AACE815B7@micros..
In Word the shortcut keys to change from UC to LC is shift F3..
In Word the shortcut keys to change from UC to LC is shift F3, why not have the shortcut keys to do the same in Excel? Hiis this a question on how to change case in Excel, or a request for MS to implement the shift F3 short-cut, if it is the later then email them atmswish@microsoft.comwith excel in the subject line and details of what you would like in the message body.if the former then reposting in the form of a question might receive an answer.-- CheersJulieDcheck out i'm working on it anyway'jdtrkohler' <jdtrkohl..
Open a Word Doc referenced in a form field
I'm trying to set a button to open a word doc that is referenced in a 'DocName' field on my form. I've looked at several examples on this forum but am unable to make it flow just right.Are there any reference libraries I need to include? What is the most efficient method to do this??Thanx for your help On Fri, 1 Feb 2008 09:12:00 -0800, Tom wrote:> I'm trying to set a button to open a word doc that is referenced in a > 'DocName' field on my form. I've looked at several examples on this forum > but am unable to make it flow just right..
A spin on the old TRANSPOSE question
A 'search' turns up dozens of repetitions of the same question: 'How dI convert a column of data into a row of data?' Easy: Copy, PastSpecial, Transpose. But how about for a column of repeating data?E.g.:ABCDABCDABCD and so on, to be converted to:A B C DA B C DA B C D, continuing.I recorded a quick macro to copy and paste special (transpose), but ikept recopying the original copied data. Manually copying and pastinis going to take way too long. Is there a formulaic method of dointhis?Thanks!:-----------------------------------------------..
cursor has changed from 10pt to 7pt
my document is Times Roman 10pt but my cursor is very tiny, probably 5 or 6pt. How can i change it? If this is Word 2003, you have encountered a known issue. Change the zoom to, say, 500% and then back to whatever you want. That should fix the 'mini cursor' bug (at least temporarily). -- Stefan Blom Microsoft Word MVP 'Claudia' <> wrote in message > my document is Times Roman 10pt but my cursor is very tiny, probably 5 or > 6pt. > How can i ch..
DVD drive spinning up
How can I prevent the DVD drive pinning up each time when NOT in use?? In configuration I have already disabled all auto run options! Or is the only remedy taking out the disk each time? -- regards, / / @rk ./ /os On 5/28/2010 10:17 AM, Linea Recta wrote: > How can I prevent the DVD drive pinning up each time when NOT in use?? > In configuration I have already disabled all auto run options! > Or is the only remedy taking out the disk each time? Well it spins up even without a disc in the drive actually. It is just quieter and it realizes pret..
Haber and Thompson fonts come and go (Word 2004)
I have used the nonstandard Thompson and Haber fonts with past versionsof Word (5.1, 98..), (I had to add them into the font folder). Theynow appear to be built in as 'standard' fonts in Word 2004, but they donot always appear in the font menu or font book in OS10.3. They seemto come and go intermittantly. Sometimes a restart makes themreappear, sometimes not. Any ideas what is going on here? Mark..
Odd border around Edit Box
VC++ 6.00 (MS Developer Studio)I created some simple edit boxes but wanted to change the backgroundcolor to white so I overrode OnCtlColor with this code: if (pWnd->GetDlgCtrlID() IDC_OUTPUT_STRIP) { // Set color to Black on White pDC->SetTextColor(RGB(0,0,0)); pDC->SetBkColor(RGB(255, 255, 255));which did have the desired coloring effect but has an odd artifact ofputting a black border around the edit box: first box was created with Class Wizard and has only the 'Border'box checked. I've dink..
Edit options in the forms tool bar un-usable
I have an employee here that is excel-savvy but can't understand why she can't use the edit options in the forms toolbar. (nor can I)These consist of the 'Edit Box', 'Combination List-Edit', 'Combination drop-down edit', and 'Edit Code' tools. Can anyone explain this to me or tell me how to make them available? They're there, they just aren't usable. I was thinking that she has to be in a certain mode but I just don't know. It's to be compatible with excel 5 files, with files created with 97 andlater they are not avai..
Contact Edit
Windows 7, I bring up the Edit Contact window but can not change the email address. How do I do That? Earl After you click Edit Contact, are you clicking Contact at the left? -- Bruce Hagen MS-MVP [Mail] Imperial Beach, CA 'Earl Partridge' <> wrote in message news:OooAtvzqKHA.6064@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl.. > Windows 7, I bring up the Edit Contact window but can not change the > email address. How do I do That? > Earl > When you open the main 'Edit Contact' window, you still have to sele..
Count the words in a cell
Dear exper A cell contains a lot of information. Is it possible to count certan word in a cell please? Say A1 contains a series of text .. 1. Daily Swing even though Sto is hit high or low 2. Look at Chart pattern 3. Stop at dangerous level How can I count number of 'O' in the cell A1 please? Thanks Elton Try this.. =LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(UPPER(A1),UPPER('O'),')) Note that SUBSTITUTE is case sensitive. -- Biff Microsoft Excel MVP 'Elton Law' <> wrote in message news:43F..
Comparing Two Documents
Hi there,I was on the Word Newsgroup yesterday and posted a query asking if I could compare two documents if I had the original and the updated version, and to my amazement I could (using Tools-> Tracked Changes)!!!!I am therefore wondering if there was anything similar for Excel?? I have two documents from an external source - both of which follow the same layout and have the same sheets in the same order etc. Is there any way of detecting what changes have been made since the original document was issued (i.e. to key inputs and also to formulae within cells???)I would rea..
Printing vendor item number of primary vendor on SOP documents
Has anyone figured out a way to print the primary vendor's item # on a SOP picking ticket, packing slip, order or invoice?I'm looking at changing my part # scheme to eliminate having the Vendor part # in our item numbers, but I need to still print that vendor # somewhere (or I'll have a revolt from my service techs!).Thanks,Jason Should just be a modification to add that field to whatever documentyou want it on using Report Writer.Frank Hamelly, MCP-GPNOVA Solutions LLCMelbourne, FL I realize that that's the solution, but my real question is how do I properly ..
Cursor disappears 11-25-09
Today installed Office 2010 Beta. Am running Windows 7. While using Word from this suite (which I understand is actually Word 2007), if I hold down the spacebar the cursor disappears while it is advancing. I can't tell where it is until I release the spacebar. Very troublesome and I can't find a way to fix it. -- meamjw Word in Office 2010 is Word 2010, but its behaviour in this regard is the same as it was in 2007, which was a change from earlier versions. The cursor does not disappear, but it does not stop flashing and, so, is not always visible. If you must do ..
About Cursor
Hi,I create two views using splitter window in MFC, while the left one is usedto set options and the right one draw the scene according to the command ofthe left one with openGL.Now I want the cursor of the mouse is visial in the left view and unvisialin the right one.That means when the cursor falls in the rect of the rightview it disapeared and in other field it works all right! How can i do that?Have any ideas?Thanks! Probably the simplest way is to have an OnSetCursor handler in the RH window and do aSetCusor(NULL) to hide the cursor. joeOn Fri, 24 Jun 2005 09:44:27 +080..
Why has Word 2007 suddenly become extremely slow?
I copied my user-defined templates from Word 2003 to the library where Word 2007 stores its templates and suddenly it slowed down, so that it takes 15-20 seconds for the program to open or for a file to load. Nothing like this has happened to other Office programs. Word 2007 also started asking for a folder to save 'Normal.dotm' refusing to use its standard template folder. For general troubleshooting, see -- Stefan Blom Microsoft Word MVP 'Frank Grevil' <Frank Grevil@discussions.micros..
Create a Word Search Puzzle in Excel
I recently attended a Tips, Techniques and Shortcuts course for Excel. The instructor showed an intriguing feature..he created a Word Search Puzzle in seconds using Excel.May anyone direct me on how to create this puzzle? My children are constantly tasked to make these puzzles for school . I think this would be really cool for them to use. Thank you,Briggitte Briggitte, not for excel, but this site has a lot of puzzles you can make Paul BAlways backup your data before trying something newUsing Excel 97 & 2000Please post any r..
Closing outlook
Hello group, what can i do, when my outlook 2003 is slow in closing them? Thank you! Matthias S. Perhaps something is interfering with the closing of the file and holding Outlook open. Often third party integration can cause this issue: antivirus FAX synch software for a handheld antispam etc. To see if this is the case, open Outlook in safe mode: Start > Run > outlook.exe /safe (note the space between outlook.exe and /safe) If it then closes without issue, you will have to check for third party Add Ins that integrate with Outlook to see which one is causi..
count number of characters in rich edit control
How can i count number of characters in rich edit control 2 If u mean controls of type Rich TextBox control, tryRichControl1 RC1;CString Mes=RC.GetText();int n=Mes.GetLength();'Rahul' <> wrote in> How can i count number of characters in rich edit control 2 EM_GETTEXTLENGTHEX, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, WM_GETTEXT, EM_STREAM*'Rahul' <> wrote in> How can i co..
bad type for word wrap
Dynamics GP v9.0Message pops up in a window with the error 'Bad type for word wrap.'Purchasing>transaction entryUser creates a credit memo, saves, posts. When printing this message pops up. It does not cause any problems with the posting or printing. It is more of an annoyance than anything. Can anyone tell me how to stop it from popping up? It happens even if I change the default printer.-- ToddR Has the posting report been modified? If so, does the same message appear if you disable the modified report for the user, forcing use of the standard version?-- Richar..
Spin Off
Hey,I've entered the spinoff data for Medco Health solutions from Merck and Money 2000 running under Windows 2000 ME responds with 'This operation cannot be performed' after the last piece of data is entered. A microsoft human suggested the data I'm entering must be bad.Thanks for looking at this,Anxious in Asheville I always hate having to send people down this path, but I fear you are agood candidate to read: Good luck.<> wrote in messagenews:04f501c3b946$d9cb3b50$a401280a@phx.gbl..> I'..
Using a macro to edit cells?
Is there a way to edit cells similiar to conditional formatting but usa macro button to perform the desired action? This macro would dsomething based on cell contents. I.e. bold all text that starts wita certain set of characters--bdun-----------------------------------------------------------------------bdunk's Profile: this thread: Hiof course this is possible. Have you already experience with VBA?--RegardsFrank KabelFrankfurt, Germany'b..
Document Library/Download/Login Popup
I have my SP server set up for internal access and external access using active directory integration and also local user accounts on the SP server itself. When accessing internally, IE uses the cached credentials when access SP and the user does not have to enter user/pass. If i open a document internally, it opens fine. If i access the server from external, i always have to enter a user/password to access the SP at all. When i click to open a document, it asks me again for the user/password before the document will open. I do not want to choose the option of checking the box ..
Renumbering a List in Word 2008
If I recall correctly (and there is a definite risk in that ;) ), back in Word 5.1a I could select a group of numbered paragraphs that had not been correctly ordered and invoke a Reorder command and it would do so. I do not think those paragraphs were in a 'list style.' Is there a similar feature in Word 2008? And if so, does it work whether the paragraphs are in a list or paragraph style? Thank you. -- Norm Hi Norm: In the Palaeolithic versions of Word, numbers were not lists they were 'Text' and you could sort on them. In modern versions of..

Oct 18, 2009  This forum will be retired in May 2010, as part of a larger project to organize our Office-related TechNet forums, consolidate and archive our Office 2010 beta forums, enable Office communities across IT Pro, Developer, and Information Worker audiences, and provide an ongoing Microsoft presence in the community.



When you try to open a PowerPoint for Mac presentation or application it either hangs with spinning wheel or does not open at all.


Shortcut for vba excel mac. To resolve this issue, follow steps in this article.

Step 1: Check Hard Disc name

Microsoft word cursor not responding

Check to ensure the Hard Drive icon has a name to it. The name should not be all numbers but can have numbers in it as along as the name starts with a text character(s). There should be no special characters like, periods, commas, semi-colons, quotes, etc.

  1. Quit all applications.
  2. On the Go menu, click Computer. Your hard drive should be listed. The common name of the hard drive is 'Macintosh HD'. E.g. 'Mac HD 1' <without quotes is appropriate> '1 Mac HD' <this is not an appropriate name as the number 1 appears at the start of the name>.

To rename your hard disk:

  1. Click to select the hard disk.
  2. On the File menu, click Get Info.
  3. In the Name & Extension type or edit the name. For example, type Macintosh HD.
  4. When done, click the red circle button on top.

Step 2: Move AutoRecovery files


The location of certain files are different if you have Service Pack 2 (SP2) installed. To check if it is installed, open PowerPoint, and then click About PowerPoint from the PowerPoint menu. If the version number is 14.2.0 or above, you have Service Pack 2 and you should follow the Service Pack 2 steps when provided in this article.

If there are too many PowerPoint items in this folder userDocumentsMicrosoft User DataOffice 2008 AutoRecovery or Office 2011 AutoRecovery these files will load into memory when Powerpoint launches and can cause memory issues as well as file save issues.

Move AutoRecovery files to the Desktop or another folder to see if they are causing the problem.

To empty the AutoRecovery folder, follow these steps if you have version 14.2.0 (also known as Service Pack 2) installed:

  1. Quit all applications.

  2. One the File menu, click New Folder. A new folder is created on the desktop. The folder will be called 'New Folder.'

  3. On the Go menu, click Home.

  4. Open Library.


    The Library folder is hidden in Mac OS X Lion. To display this folder, hold down the OPTION key while you click the Go menu.

  5. Open Application Support, and then open Microsoft.

  6. Open Office 2011 AutoRecovery.

  7. On the Edit menu, click Select All.

  8. Drag all files into 'New Folder' on the desktop.

    The AutoRecovery folder should be empty.

  9. Open Excel for Mac 2011 and try to save a file.

    If you can save a file, review the contents of 'New Folder' to decide which files that you want to keep.

If the problem continues to occur, go to the next method.

To empty the AutoRecovery folder, follow these steps if you do not have Service Pack 2 installed:

  1. Quit all applications.

  2. On the File menu, click New Folder. A new folder is created on the desktop. The folder will be called 'New Folder.'

  3. On the Go menu, click Documents.

  4. Open Microsoft User Data, and then open Office 2011 AutoRecovery.

  5. On the Edit menu, click Select All.

  6. Drag all files into 'New Folder' on the desktop.

    The AutoRecovery folder should be empty.

  7. Open Excel for Mac 2011 and try to save a file.

    If you can save a file, review the contents of 'New Folder' to decide which files that you want to keep.

If the problem continues to occur, go to the next method.

Step 3: Remove PowerPoint Preferences


If you have used the software at all on this computer then removing the preferences may reset any customizations that you have made. These customizations include changes made to toolbars, custom dictionaries and keyboard shortcuts that have been created.

  1. Quit all Microsoft Office for Mac programs.

  2. On the Go menu, click Home.

  3. Open Library.


    The Library folder is hidden in MAC OS X Lion. To display this folder, hold down the OPTION key while you click the Go menu.

  4. Open the Preferences folder.

  5. Look for a file that is named

  6. If you locate the file, move it to the desktop. If you do not locate the file, the program is using the default preferences.

  7. If you locate the file and move it to the desktop, start PowerPoint, and check whether the problem still occurs. If the problem still occurs, quit PowerPoint, and restore the file to its original location. Then, go to the next step. If the problem seems to be resolved, you can move the file to the trash.

  8. Quit all Microsoft for Mac programs.

  9. On the Go menu, click Home.

  10. Open Library.


    The Library folder is hidden in MAC OS X Lion. To display this folder, hold down the OPTION key while you click the Go menu.

  11. Open the Preferences folder.

  12. Open the Microsoft folder.

  13. Look for a file that is named

  14. If you locate the file, move it to the destop. If you do not locate the file, the program is using the default preferences. Sony mdr xb650bt pairing.

  15. If you locate the file and move it to the destop, start PowerPoint, and check whether the problem still occurs. If the problem still occurs, quit PowerPoint, and restore the file to its original location. Then, go to the next step. If the problem seems to be resolved, you can move the file to the trash.

  16. Quit all Microsoft Office for Mac programs.

  17. On the Go menu, click Home.

  18. Open Library.


    The Library folder is hidden in MAC OS X Lion. To display this folder, hold down the OPTION key while you click the Go menu.

  19. Open the Preferences folder.

  20. Open the Microsoft folder.

  21. Open the Office 2008 or Office 2011 folder.

  22. Look for a file named PowerPoint Toolbars (12) or Microsoft PowerPoint Toolbars.

  23. If you locate the file, move it the desktop. If you do not locate the file, the program is using the default preferences.

  24. If you locate the file and move it to the desktop, start PowerPoint, and check whether the problem still occurs. If the problem still occurs, quit PowerPoint, and restore the file to its original location. Then, go to the next step. If the problem seems to be resolved, you can move the PowerPoint Toolbars (12) file to the trash.

If the issue continues to occur, proceed to the next step.

Step 4: Create a New User Account

Sometimes, a user's specific information may be corrupted. To determine if this is the case, you can log on as a new user or create a new user account, and then test an application.

If the issue occurs even in new user account, proceed to the next step.

Step 5: Test saving the file in Safe Mode

For information on how to enter Safe Boot in Mac OS, seePerform a clean startup (Safe boot) to determine whether background programs are interfering with Office for Mac.

If you are able to save in Safe Mode, then the problem most likely related to programs that are running in the background.